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Dungeons and Dragons Revealed Daggerdale

Atari today announced the new title Daggerdale Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game that will bring the famous fantasy saga in the era of downloadable content through Xbox Live Arcade release. Expected by spring 2011, the game will be based on an artistic style similar to the recent The Lord of the Rings Online: Mines of Moria, and tell the story of the desperate struggle of a kingdom against an evil entity that holds it in check.

During the adventure we are to unlock the secrets mines Tethyamar, venturing into the Tower of Nothing, up to defeat the evil Rezlus. In addition to a large arsenal of weapons and magical powers, the title will also offer a multiplayer cooperative two-player offline and online aa four players, which promises to add depth to the plot and characters. Here, we leave the trailer ad.

Dungeons & Dragons Daggerdale - Announcement Trailer | HD version