Reboot in Tomb Raider, Lara will not be a sexual object
Valerio Tosetti / Sonakin
P 10 dic 2010 19:11
"When we started studying this project, we always thought of two fundamental points: the context and motivation. Lara is a lover of archeology, and his sex appeal comes from his brain first and then from its forms."
"Our version of" sexy "is the strength to fight through adverse conditions. His arms continue to be discovered and tore his clothes, but without revealing anything. This is our way of showing the player that Lara is in his own way beautiful and vulnerable as any other woman. Oh, and know that there will be unlockable bikini. "
What do you think? Do you agree with him or do you think Lara should remain anchored to the roots very daring and the stereotype of the majority?