
Live your

The Doors in the first DLC for Rock Band 3

Since it was announced the addition of keyboards in Rock Band 3 network in turn began to speculate on what would be the groups that would give way to exploit the new tool. Today our main was announced the first DLC for the title of Harmonix Music laying down a track list of twelve tracks from the entire repertoire of the Doors. Of the twelve tracks in question three will include the Pro mode for guitar and bass.

In addition, those who purchase the game in the first week from the outlet and online games will enjoy free of the three tracks that implement the Pro mode that will be "Light My Fire," "Break On Through," and "Touch me."

The full setlist is as follows:

"Light My Fire" (Free from October 26 to November 1, includes the Pro mode for guitar and bass)
"Riders on the Storm" (Free from October 26 to November 1, includes the Pro mode for guitar and bass)
"Touch Me" (Free from October 26 to November 1, includes the Pro mode for guitar and bass)
"Hello, I Love You"
"LA Woman"
"Love Her Madly"
"Love Me Two Times"
"Peace Frog"
"People Are Strange"
"Roadhouse Blues"
"Soul Kitchen"
"The Crystal Ship"

The game is expected in stores on October 29, 2010