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The first three of Kane & Lynch DLC 2 online

Square Enix has released the first three additional content marketplaces of Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days devoted exclusively to fund multiplayer title. The first DLC called "takeaway" ( web link ) adds to the cost of 560 Microsoft Points the two multiplayer maps "Dockyard" and "High Rise", two new targets, new weapons and 33 DD, KL Viper, RTS, SMI 69 and Four Toq Model S, the second called "Pack dell'allenza weapons" ( web link ) the cost of 240 MP contains 7 new weapons: silenced Doretta, Steele 870, Toq SBR, Kaliningrad 47, CAP 10 silenced, silenced N 77P Toq and Elite.

Finally, the third and final expansion "pack multiplayer masks" ( web link ) added for 160 Microsoft Points 8 new masks to use in all multiplayer modes and Arcade.