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Actvision working on two games dedicated to 007?

A few days ago, Activision, through the company MarkMonitor, recorded for two years and domains, both apparently dedicated to the universe of James Bond. The first site would be on the upcoming game inspired by 007 and should have no link with the next film, currently identified as Bond 23, since the output has been shifted to later date due to financial problems.

Unlike all past production this time should be a racing game, the development was entrusted to Bizarre Creations, known for Project Gotham Racing series and the forthcoming Blur, and should arrive on all platforms next January
Regarding the site not present information as easy to understand this is a project inspired by the seventeenth film released in 1995 and starring Pierce Brosnan; of this film are already out some gaming products, the latest is Rogue Agent EA dates back to 2004, and the most famous is the title Rare for Nintendo 64, that this is a remake or a sequel? We just have to wait several weeks to know, certainly at E3 Activision will reveal something about these games.
