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Microsoft annuncia gli Sconti di Primavera: Xbox One

Microsoft ha annunciato oggi gli Sconti di Primavera sul Games Store, disponibili da oggi fino al 17 aprile; gli sconti sono disponibili per tutti gli utenti, e vista la grande quantità di titoli in sconto vi elenchiamo di seguito quelli dedicati ad Xbox One; troverete in due news separate quelli dedicati ad Xbox 360 ed i Deals with Gold, che affiancano gli Sconti di Primavera e sono dedicati solo agli utenti Gold.

Vi lasciamo all'elenco completo. Buoni acquisti!

Xbox One

1000 Neverwinter Zen 15%
11000 Neverwinter Zen 25%
2000 Neverwinter Zen 20%
23000 Neverwinter Zen 25%
500 Neverwinter Zen 15%
5300 Neverwinter Zen 20%
7 Days To Die 60%
Abzu 33%
Adventure Pop - Exclusive Booster Bundle 50%
Aftermath 50%
Ark: Scorched Earth 40%
Ark: Survival Evolved 60%
Artifex Mundi Essential Bundle 50%
Assassin's Creed Syndicate 60%
Assassin's Creed The Ezio Collection 40%
Assassin's Creed Triple Pack: Black Flag, Unity, Syndicate 67%
Assetto Corsa 50%
Assetto Corsa - DLC Season Pass 50%
Astroneer 25%
Attack Cats 25%
Awesomenauts Assemble! 50%
Bastion 30%
Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition 60%
Batman: Arkham Knight Season Pass 60%
Batman - The Telltale Series - Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) 50%
Battle Worlds: Kronos 80%
Battlefield 1 40%
Battlefield 1 Deluxe Edition 40%
Battlefield 1 Ultimate Edition 40%
Battlefield 1 - Titanfall 2 Deluxe Bundle 50%
Bioshock: The Collection 50%
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection 67%
Boss Bundle 50%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III - Gold Edition 40%
Call Of Duty: Black Ops III Digital Deluxe Edition 40%
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Legacy Edition 30%
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Digital Deluxe Edition 25%
Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Launch Edition 35%
Call Of Duty: IW Legacy + Destiny - The Collection Bundle 40%
Candleman 33%
Captured Kv-1 Elite 20%
DC Universe Online - Episode Pack I 33%
DC Universe Online - Episode Pack II 33%
DC Universe Online - Episode Pack III 33%
DC Universe Online - Episode Pack IV 33%
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition 42%
City Of Gems (1200) 67%
Clustertruck 50%
Crawl 20%
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition 60%
Dead Island Definitive Collection 60%
Dead Island Definitive Edition 50%
Dead Island Retro Revenge 50%
Dead Island: Riptide Definitive Edition 50%
Dead Rising 50%
Dead Rising 2 40%
Dead Rising 2 Off The Record 50%
Dead Rising Triple Bundle Pack 50%
Deadlight: Director's Cut 70%
Destiny - The Collection 50%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided 70%
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition 70%
Diablo III: Reaper Of Souls - Ultimate Evil Edition 67%
Dishonored 2 50%
Dishonored Definitive Edition 50%
DOA5LR Character: Naotora II 20%
DOA5LR Flower Set 20%
DOA5LR Gust Mashup Costume Set 30%
DOA5LR Newcomer Set 20%
DOA5LR Summer Festival Costume Set 20%
DOA5LR: Core Fighters 30 Character Set 30%
Doodle God: Ultimate Edition 40%
Doom 40%
Doom Season Pass 40%
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing 50%
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 45%
Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Deluxe Edition 35%
Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition 17%
ESO - 750 Crowns 25%
ESO - 1500 Crowns 25%
ESO - 3000 Crowns 33%
ESO - 5500 Crowns 40%
F1 2016 60%
Fallout 4 67%
Fallout 4: Digital Deluxe Bundle 50%
Fallout 4 Season Pass 40%
Fallout 4: Automatron 40%
Fallout 4: Contraptions Workshop 40%
Fallout 4: Far Harbor 40%
Fallout 4: Nuka-World 40%
Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop 40%
Fallout 4: Wasteland Workshop 40%
Far Cry Primal - Apex Edition 50%
Farming Simulator 17 40%
Farming Simulator 17 - Season Pass 15%
FIFA 17 60%
FIFA 17 Deluxe Edition 60%
FIFA 17 Super Deluxe Edition 30%
For Honor Gold Edition 30%
For Honor Standard Edition 25%
Forza Horizon 3 Standard Edition 35%
Forza Horizon 3 Deluxe Edition 35%
Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition 40%
Forza Horizon 3 Car Pass 50%
Forza Horizon 3 Expansion Pass 25%
Forza Motorsport 6 Standard Edition 40%
Forza Motorsport 6 Deluxe Edition 40%
Forza Motorsport 6 Ultimate Edition 50%
Game Of Thrones - Season Pass (Episodes 2-6) 70%
Gears Of War 4 50%
Gears Of War 4 Ultimate Edition 40%
Gears Of War: Ultimate Edition - Day One Version 50%
Gears Of War Ultimate Edition Deluxe Version 60%
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions Evolved 67%
Goat Mmo Simulator 33%
Goat Simulator 60%
Goat Simulator: Goatz 33%
Goat Simulator: Payday 33%
Grand Theft Auto V & Great White Shark Cash Card 5%
Grand Theft Auto V & Megalodon Shark Cash Card Bundle 15%
Grand Theft Auto V & Whale Shark Cash Card Bundle 10%
Halo 5: Guardians 50%
Halo 5: Guardians - Digital Deluxe Edition 60%
Halo 5: Guardians - 15 Gold Req Packs + 5 Free 33%
Halo 5: Guardians - 34 Gold Req Packs + 13 Free 40%
Halo 5: Guardians - 7 Gold Req Packs + 2 Free 20%
Halo Wars 2: Standard Edition 35%
Halo Wars 2: Ultimate Edition 35%
Hasbro Family Fun Pack - Super Edition 50%
Hawken - Starter Pack 50%
How To Survive 2 25%
Inside & Limbo Bundle 10%
Just Cause 3 75%
Just Cause 3 Xl Edition 75%
Just Cause 3: Air, Land & Sea Expansion Pass 75%
Kill The Bad Guy 33%
Killer Instinct: Definitive Edition 40%
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris 75%
Lara Croft And The Temple Of Osiris & Season Pass Pack 75%
Leg Up Bundle 20%
Lego Marvel's Avengers Deluxe Edition 60%
Lego Marvel's Avengers Season Pass 60%
Lego The Hobbit 70%
Lego Worlds 33%
Life Is Strange Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) 75%
Light & Dark Bundle 25%
Line Of Defense Tactics 50%
Lumo 33%
Mad Max 50%
Made Bundle 50%
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Bundle 50%
Masquerade: The Baubles Of Doom 67%
Metro 2033 Redux 75%
Metro Redux Bundle 80%
Metro: Last Light Redux 75%
Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor - GOTY Edition 50%
Mighty No. 9 60%
Minecraft: Story Mode - Adventure Pass (Additional Episodes 6-8) 60%
Minecraft: Story Mode - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) 60%
Monster Revenant Loaded Bundle 20%
Mortal Kombat Xl 40%
Murdered: Soul Suspect 75%
MX Vs. ATV Supercross Encore 50%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 35%
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 Road To Boruto Pack 25%
Naruto Storm 4 - Season Pass 67%
NBA 2K17 50%
NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition 35%
NBA 2K17 Kobe Bryant Legend Edition Gold 40%
NBA 2K17 - 200,000 VC 45%
NBA 2K17 - 450,000 VC 20%
Necropolis 50%
Need For Speed Deluxe Bundle 70%
Never Alone Arctic Collection 5%
NHL 17 67%
NHL 17 Deluxe Edition 67%
NHL 17 Super Deluxe Edition 50%
One Piece Burning Blood - Gold Edition 67%
One Piece: Burning Blood 67%
Ori And The Blind Forest: Definitive Edition 50%
Overcooked 40%
Overcooked: Gourmet Edition 10%
Overwatch: Origins Edition 35%
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 40%
Payday 2 - Crimewave Edition - The Big Score DLC Bundle! 50%
Payday 2 - Crimewave Edition - The Big Score Game Bundle 67%
Payday 2: Crimewave Edition 50%
Pile Of Gold (1200) 50%
Pile Of Gold (1200) 67%
Pirate's Bounty Of Gems (6500 Gems) 50%
Pit People 25%
Pixel Piracy 85%
Power Bundle (2016) 40%
Prison Architect: Xbox One Edition 60%
Project Cars Digital Edition 60%
Pure Chess Grandmaster Edition 50%
Quantum Break 60%
Rare Beasts 30%
Rare Rivals 25%
Recore 50%
Revolutionary Spirit Pack 50%
Rise & Shine 33%
Rock Band 4 30%
Run The Jewels Airdrop 50%
Rwby: Grimm Eclipse 33%
Ryse: Son Of Rome Season Pass 67%
Saban's Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Mega Battle 25%
Screamride 75%
Sierra Games Collection 33%
Silence - The Whispered World 2 50%
Sleeping Dogs Definitive Edition 75%
Sniper Elite 3 Ultimate Edition 67%
Sparkle Bundle 20%
Spheroids 35%
Star Trek Online: 1000 Zen 15%
Star Trek Online: 11000 Zen 25%
Star Trek Online: 2000 Zen 20%
Star Trek Online: 23000 Zen 25%
Star Trek Online: 500 Zen 15%
Star Trek Online: 5300 Zen 20%
Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass 50%
State Of Decay: Year-One Survival Edition 67%
Steep 50%
Steep Gold Edition 45%
Styx: Master Of Shadows 75%
Sunset Overdrive 67%
Sunset Overdrive Deluxe Edition 67%
Tales From The Borderlands - Season Pass (Episodes 2-5) 25%
Tales From The Borderlands Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) 70%
Target Locked 25%
Team17 Indie Collection 35%
Team17 Indie Heroes Pack 33%
Team17 Variety Pack 50%
Tennis In The Face 50%
Terraria 70%
The Combat Stimulant Pack 50%
The Dwarves 40%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Gold Edition 50%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited 67%
The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Premium Edition 17%
The Escapists: Supermax Edition 20%
The Guerrilla Care Package 50%
The Jackbox Party Pack 3 50%
The Lego Movie Videogame 70%
The Long Dark 50%
The Motherlode 33%
The Splatters 50%
The Telltale Games Collection 70%
The Telltale Undead Survival Bundle 70%
The Voice Of Freedom 50%
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier - The Complete Season (Episodes 1-5) 25%
The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season 70%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Blood And Wine 40%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Complete Edition 50%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts Of Stone 40%
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Expansion Pass 40%
Thief 75%
This War Of Mine: The Little Ones 70%
Titanfall 2 50%
Titanfall 2 Deluxe Edition 50%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege 50%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege + The Division Bundle 50%
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege Year 2 Gold Edition 40%
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition 75%
Trackmania Turbo 60%
Trials Fusion: The Awesome Max Edition 60%
Trials Of The Blood Dragon 50%
Trials Of The Blood Dragon + Trials Fusion Awesome Max Edition 60%
Ultimate Edition (2016) 40%
Uncanny Valley 33%
Unravel 75%
Vermintide - Digital Value Pack 20%
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide 60%
Watch Dogs 2 50%
Watch Dogs 2 - Gold Edition 50%
Wing Skull Pack 50%
Wolfenstein: The New Order 67%
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood 67%
Worms Anniversary Edition 30%
Worms W.M.D 40%
XCOM 2 50%
XCOM 2 Digital Deluxe Edition 50%

Non vi perdete gli altri sconti della settimana: Spring Sale box 360 e Deals with Gold!

MX Video - Xbox One

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Classe '72, dall'animo geek e appassionato da sempre di videogiochi e informatica, nel 2002 è cofondatore di MX. Il sito parte per gioco ma diventa una parte sempre più importante della sua vita insieme a lavoro, famiglia e troppi altri interessi: questo lo costringe a rimandare continuamente i suoi piani di dominio sul mondo.



x Invio commenti disattivato per le notizie più vecchie di un mese.

mi consigliate i 2 wolfenstein?

P 15-04-2017 19:24

preso battlefield1

P 15-04-2017 19:23
Maalox Plus:

Scusate la domanda da "non addetto ai lavori" ma...Metro Redux Bundle...vale i 6%u20AC che chiedono o faccio prima a tenermeli in tasca?

P 12-04-2017 7:37

State of D. Lo trovi in versione fisica a 10 euro

P 11-04-2017 16:21

Il season pass di ryse cosa include ? Solo ambientazioni nuove per il colosseo ? E vale se nn "possiedo" il gioco? (Preso con i gwg)

P 11-04-2017 16:17
Out of Blu:

Ciao ragazzi, mi consigliate Stateof decay?

P 11-04-2017 15:20

@simo79one grazie mille, penso lo prendo sullo store sudafricano a 6 euro :)

P 11-04-2017 14:10
xVcRx Dark90:

Finalmente entrambi i dlc di the witcher insieme -.- Poi per me fallout4 con season pass e pure metro va. Per poi non giocarci mai. Facciamo girare l'economia

P 11-04-2017 14:08

@Dr.trafalgar se ti interessa state of decay è in offerta a 10 euro da gamestop!!!

P 11-04-2017 13:48

Ma non ci dovevano essere sconti anche sul gold?

P 11-04-2017 13:26

Il link a Ryse non va. Preso Wolfenstein. Continuo a pensare che dovreste scrivere i prezzi. Le percentuali non servono a niente.

P 11-04-2017 12:20

Grazie mille per l'info Johnny! Penso che l'acquisterò allora. Grazie anche a WeeChief :))

P 11-04-2017 10:45
Hulong Zhan Shi:

Prendi l'ombra di Mordor

P 11-04-2017 10:17

preso il primo dishonored, adesso indeciso tra il primo state of decay e l'ombra di mordor..

P 11-04-2017 10:14

@16Chuck93 voglio anche ricordare/informare che TES Online e full english

P 11-04-2017 10:12

vergognosi, non c'è altro da dire su questi sconti. dialogando con neural su fb, gli ho fatto l'esempio lampante di doom, praticamente lo store digitale sta diventatndo un enoteca di altissima qualità, dove i vini piu invecchiano piu costano, per l'appunto doom black friday2016 23 euro, natale 2016 35 euro....pasqua 2017 signori e signore 42 euro chi ha deciso sti sconti....topo gigio e i suoi proprio fuori mercato e resta dell'opinione che il digitale è buono solo per chi condivide....vabbè, aspettiamo settimana prossima

P 11-04-2017 9:55

Preso Blood And Wine, finalmente <3



@16Chuck93 no, l'abbonamento per fortuna l'hanno tolto. Comunque TES online sarà gratis per questa settimana, se ti interessa. Lo trovi nell'elenco dei giochi da installare

P 11-04-2017 9:54

Preso Batman Arkham Knight Premium, sono a posto per qualche mese :D

P 11-04-2017 9:47

Scusate la domanda da ignorante... ma su The Elder Scrolls Online è ancora richiesto l'abbonamento mensile?

P 11-04-2017 8:29

Purtroppo non avevo ancora la One quando lo diedero gratis, un gran peccato

P 11-04-2017 8:18